ACCOUNTABILITY Value Focus Supplementary Input

Accountability is mutual, it is two-way and must be reciprocated. As they risk their own lives to win this war, can we also do our part and protect their lives? Their safety depends on us, by staying at home and not being infected. If right this very moment, they are attending to the only COVID19 cases left and no more patients will be coming in tomorrow or the next days, how good is that? We demand accountability from them, but with this picture, the ball is in our courts. One selfish citizen who refuses to be accountable has the exponential power to spread and not stop the virus.
At present, the world is facing a great challenge - that is, to stop the rapid spread of the coronovirus that is taking many lives and stirring fear in the hearts of everyone. It is an invisible enemy that can wipe out maybe half if not the entire human race. It is literally a fight for survival and in this desperate times, every man's heart is being exposed - whether a leader who needs to make critical decisions or a citizen who has to heed to the government directives. Accountability during this trying situation demands that we become responsible and fulfill what are expected of us. We all have a role in this war and we will all be accountable and will answer to every action we chose to do in the midst of it all. For now, let us decide to be one in heart with everyone else - to defeat the enemy and set this world back into safety.
Through every means available, such as the television, social media, radio broadcasts, and more, important guidelines are being disseminated to keep the people protected. Every citizen is being admonished to cooperate and fully support these measures by the government and authorised organisations. Yet, in spite of the frequent instructions and warnings, some people tends to be selfish and refuses to see the possible consequences of their choices and actions. It is frustrating, but yes, there are those whose hearts are selfish enough to not realise that their choices and actions greatly affects everyone. These we see as we monitor the news and browse through the social media.
While we are safely inside our homes, frontliners are out there risking their very own lives in hopes of putting an end to the spread of the virus. Wondering who these frontliners are? At the very front are the medical practitioners who are in direct contact with those who are or potentially struck by the virus as well as all the support staff in hospitals and healthcare facilities. If we are monitoring the news, many, not a few of them has already sacrificed their own lives. Frontliners also includes those who are stationed at the different checkpoints; our government officials or public servant leaders who needs to be overseeing the situation and must continuously be making critical decisions, some are physically moving around their areas of jurisdiction to attend to certain situations; and those who work in the market, groceries, banks, and others.
When what's left for us to do is to be safe in our homes by not going out, can we find time to reflect, assess and try to put ourselves in the shoes of each one of them? They must also be terrified for their own lives and their loved ones. It is easy for us to demand accountability but they also need us to accountable. Remember, we all have a role in this war.
Accountability is mutual, it is two-way and must be reciprocated. As they risk their own lives to win this war, can we also do our part and protect their lives? Their safety depends on us, by staying at home and not being infected. If right this very moment, they are attending to the only COVID19 cases left and no more patients will be coming in tomorrow or the next days, how good is that? We demand accountability from them, but with this picture, the ball is in our court. One selfish citizen who refuses to be accountable has the exponential power to spread and not stop the virus.
Being accountable to each other means embracing the commandment that we are not only to look after ourselves and families but also after our neighbours. Jesus said in His teaching, “love our neighbours as ourselves.”1 This is not the time for humanity to oppose and criticize each other but to mutually love one another. Will we be able to protect each other by being accountable together? If, yes, then there is hope and we are headed towards the light at the end of this dark COVID19 tunnel - soon, not in a long time but very soon. We will see the nations rise again!